Git module maintained by gogs doesn’t support showing blob count for a tree item. This is generated from my patch file, used to have a similar patch for libgit2.
Git module maintained by gogs doesn’t support showing blob count for a tree item. This is generated from my patch file, used to have a similar patch for libgit2.
Had to mount a BTRFS drive to windows recently, while winbtrfs does work for some basic operations, I wouldn’t really trust it for funky things. In this case I had to consolidate multiple drives into a single one.
// windows
// get the drive ID
GET-CimInstance -query "SELECT * from Win32_DiskDrive"
// needs administrator—mount the drive
wsl --mount \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1 --bare
// wsl | ubuntu
sudo apt install btrfs-progs
sudo mount /dev/sdd3 /mnt/$btrfs_mount
sudo btrfs device scan
// windows
wsl --unmount \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1
Rewrite the Content-Type
header to serve raw files, as raw file delivery behaves inconsistently across different browsers.
@pgp_file path_regexp ^.*/public_pgp$
header @pgp_file Content-Type "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
@raw_file path_regexp ./raw/*
header @raw_file Content-Type "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
@ico_file path_regexp ^.*ico$
header @ico_file Content-Type "image/x-icon"
@jpg_file path_regexp .*jpe?g$
header @jpg_file Content-Type "image/jpeg"
@png_file path_regexp ^.*png$
header @png_file Content-Type "image/png"
@webp_file path_regexp ^.*webp$
header @webp_file Content-Type "image/webp"
The brotli-cli lacks an -r flag for now, can be circumvented using the output of find
and piping it into xargs
find . -name "*.{file-extension}" -print0 | xargs -0 brotli -Z
Had some old pixel art I had to upscale.
ffmpeg -i input.webm -vf "scale=4800:2700:flags=neighbor" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -an output.webm