
improve documentation

- add example to README to extract gitweb.owner from a git config.
  this is used in gitweb and some cgit configurations.
- fix (new) mandoc warnings (new sentence on each line).
- improve some texts in the man pages, sort / structure some list items.

Hiltjo Posthuma

commit: dcc538e parent: 2053b8b
3 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
M · README +18, -1
 1@@ -61,6 +61,23 @@ make
 2 make install
 5+Extract owner field from git config
 8+A (hacky) way to extract the gitweb owner for example in the format:
10+	[gitweb]
11+		owner = Name here
15+	#!/bin/sh
16+	awk '/^[ 	]*owner[ 	]=/ {
17+		sub(/^[^=]*=[ 	]*/, "");
18+		print $0;
19+	}'
22 Features
23 --------
25@@ -86,7 +103,7 @@ Cons
26 - Not suitable for repositories with many branches, a quite linear history is
27   assumed (from HEAD).
28 - Relatively slow to run the first time (about 3 seconds for sbase,
29-  1500+ commits), incremental updates after it are faster.
30+  1500+ commits), incremental updates are faster.
31 - Does not support some of the dynamic features cgit has, like:
32   - snapshot tarballs.
33   - file tree per commit.
M · stagit-index.1 +7, -6
 1@@ -10,13 +10,14 @@
 3 .Nm
 4 will create an index HTML page for the repositories specified and writes
 5-the HTML data to stdout. The repos in the index are in the same order as
 6-the arguments
 7+the HTML data to stdout.
 8+The repos in the index are in the same order as the arguments
 9 .Ar repodir
10 specified.
11 .Pp
12-The basename of the directory is used as the name. The suffix ".git" is
13-removed from the basename, this is commonly used for "bare" repos.
14+The basename of the directory is used as the repository name.
15+The suffix ".git" is removed from the basename, this suffix is commonly used
16+for "bare" repos.
17 .Pp
18 The content of the follow files specifies the meta data for each repository:
19 .Bl -tag -width Ds
20@@ -28,10 +29,10 @@ owner of repository
21 .Pp
22 For changing the style of the page you can use the following files:
23 .Bl -tag -width Ds
24-.It logo.png
25-32x32 logo.
26 .It favicon.png
27 favicon image.
28+.It logo.png
29+32x32 logo.
30 .It style.css
31 CSS stylesheet.
32 .El
M · stagit.1 +27, -20
 1@@ -14,51 +14,58 @@ writes HTML pages for the repository
 2 .Ar repodir
 3 to the current directory.
 4 .Pp
 5-Optionally the
 6-.Fl c Ar cachefile
 7-option can be used to cache the entries of the log page up to the point of
 8-the last commit. The
 9+The options are as follows:
10+.Bl -tag -width Ds
11+.It Fl c Ar cachefile
12+Cache the entries of the log page up to the point of
13+the last commit.
15 .Ar cachefile
16-will store the last commit id and the entries in the HTML table. It is up
17-to the user to make sure the state of the
18+will store the last commit id and the entries in the HTML table.
19+It is up to the user to make sure the state of the
20 .Ar cachefile
21 is in sync with the history of the repository.
23 .Pp
24 The following files will be written:
25 .Bl -tag -width Ds
26 .It atom.xml
27 Atom XML feed
28 .It files.html
29-List of files in the latest HEAD commit, linking to the file.
30+List of files in the latest tree, linking to the file.
31 .It log.html
32 List of commits in order of most recent to old of the commits (top to bottom),
33-each commit links to a page with a diff and diffstat of the commit.
34+each commit links to a page with a diffstat and diff of the commit.
35 .It refs.html
36 Lists references of the repository such as branches and tags.
37 .El
38 .Pp
39 For each entry in HEAD a file will be written in the format:
40-file/filepath.html. This file will contain the textual data of the file
41-prefixed by line numbers. The file will have the string "Binary file"
42-if the data is considered to be non-textual.
44+This file will contain the textual data of the file prefixed by line numbers.
45+The file will have the string "Binary file" if the data is considered to be
47 .Pp
48 For each commit a file will be written in the format:
49-commit/commitid.html. This file will contain the diff and diffstat of the
50-commit. It will write the string "Binary files differ" if the data is
51-considered to be non-textual. Too large diffs will be suppressed and a string
53+This file will contain the diffstat and diff of the commit.
54+It will write the string "Binary files differ" if the data is considered to
55+be non-textual.
56+Too large diffs will be suppressed and a string
57 "Diff is too large, output suppressed" will be written.
58 .Pp
59 When a commit HTML file exists it won't be overwritten again, note that if
60 you've changed
61 .Nm
62 or changed one of the metadata files of the repository it is recommended to
63-recreate all the output files because it will contain old data. To do this
64-remove the output directory and
65+recreate all the output files because it will contain old data.
66+To do this remove the output directory and
67 .Ar cachefile ,
68 then recreate the files.
69 .Pp
70-The basename of the directory is used as the name. The suffix ".git" is
71-removed from the basename, this is commonly used for "bare" repos.
72+The basename of the directory is used as the repository name.
73+The suffix ".git" is removed from the basename, this suffix is commonly used
74+for "bare" repos.
75 .Pp
76 The content of the follow files specifies the metadata for each repository:
77 .Bl -tag -width Ds
78@@ -75,10 +82,10 @@ exists in HEAD a direct link in the menu is made.
79 .Pp
80 For changing the style of the page you can use the following files:
81 .Bl -tag -width Ds
82-.It logo.png
83-32x32 logo.
84 .It favicon.png
85 favicon image.
86+.It logo.png
87+32x32 logo.
88 .It style.css
89 CSS stylesheet.
90 .El